You were there a'listeningEvery time that I asked.
Some prayers were hurriedly,And some were ask again;
Some were ask desperatelyFor the relief of pain
Some prayers were not answered,As I look into the past;
Other payers were answered,The answer came at last
Some paths are steep and rocky,So I wonder about His plan;
Yet, with others smooth and wide;And still guided by his Hand,
Early in each morningI whisper my request;
Lord, If it's in your will,Your answer will be the best.
Now in September day's of life,Now days before the storm;
Days are fleeting momentsNo reason now to mourn.
Lord, you've met every needAbundantly and more
;Grace and provisions flowFrom heaven's open door.
Praises will I ever singAs the days go by;
Cradled in His arms of love,He hears my every cry.
So let my soul fly awayAs I look down the path,
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