Dos CABEZAS (2 heads) is a town in southeast Arizona There 2 rather small mountains north of the town hence most believe that is how the name. Town there now, not muchDW
Dos CABEZAS (2 heads) is a town in southeast Arizona There 2 rather small mountains north of the town hence most believe that is how the name. Town there now, not muchDW
She was never much of a town.A town?Yes, by name only I suppose.A few shacks here are there.Anything ever happen there?Not much, I heard.No gunfights, no hangingsNo nothing.Well, …..I heard Jose died heremurdered by a jealous lover.AndJennifer trampled by a horse.They say checks with the ghosts.How many?Two I am told.Where?In the shacks
.On highway 186, south of Wilcox.So I travel south followingthe heat mirages andled by a dust devil.Two shacks standing I see.Yards populated byrusty tine cans, randomglass bits and charcoal ashes.Glancing inside weatheredwood house a brown bottlesitting on a 2x3 bracea twinkling of light off and on.I inspect.No nameletters on the glassraised, 4370.A cool wind passed by pleasant on this hot and windy day
hi, you appear to be a ghost.
i've heard of you.
What is your name?
Me llamo Jennifer
Please to meet you.
¿Dónde vivéis?
Ilive in Mesa.
Mi cumpleaños es el ocho de enero.
My birthday is February 24th
Estás en vuestra casa!
O.k. Your home is small
.No me molesta
I don’t mind either.
Tengo veintisiete años
And I am 64 years old.
Es una lástima
Why is that?
Oh, that is O.K. Jennifer.
I must go soon.
Por favor
I must go to the rock house
Buenos diás
By Jennifer.Oh, I forgot Jennifer.Is there a ghost in the rock house?
Creo que sí
Thank you
Jose are you in this rock house
I am pleased to meet you
!¡Tanto gusto!
Do you know Jennifer next door
Do you like her?
Depends on what
?Tiene más años que yo.
So she is too old for you?
Do you get lonely here?
Creo que no
Well, Jose I must go.
Hasta la vista
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