Pain(Why I write)
Jerked from a warm loving womb,
First pain, yes?
How dare you do that!
Pain of the body, yes?
Pain of the mind, yes?
Pain in the soul, yes?
So you know pain,not really,
butmaybe,I do,of body, mind and soul.
Pain from the pastmillennium's ago
Held captive flesh,body and soul.
How?Soul pain, maybe from the cross.
What's a soul?You don't know?
Do you have a soul?
Don't know.
Pain percolates myflesh mind and soul.
A Horrible Symphony ofdissonant notes.
I cry.
What? You know me?
No, no you don't.
Pain shackles my being.
Sympathy do I ask for?
Hell no! Mind your own business
Pain in my genes?
Must be.
Damn my whole lineage!
Why was I born in pain?
Pain screams at me now.
What released O' Lordmust I find?
Write He says,day and night.
Spill your pain on the medium as blood splashedon the floor and wall.
Spill your pain on the medium as blood splashedon the floor and wall.
Release the Demon of Pain.
Write,write,write,so I write.
So I pray
So I pray
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