Thursday, December 6, 2007



Let my life be liveas a dreamer

for in my dreams

my eyes see future ways

in a world beyond

its boundsvisions darkly

shiftingin the mirror of my soul


Saturday, March 31, 2007, 9:46:41 PM Dreamweaver
I have been told that the sense of smell is the strongest of our senses and last the longest. I am reminded of a corn field. The first plowing of the ground and the smell of fresh earth. The first cultivation-stalks about a foot high, the nostalgic smell of green corn. The yellow tassels sporting out yellow pollen to spread around the valley. And finally the corn picking, the rustling of the husks and the smell of yellow corn.Today was a nice days here. High about 75, clear for miles.Hey, baseball tomorrow, go Diamondbacks.

You can't see it, you can't hear it, you can't feel it,
But everywhere there are smells.
Are smells neutrons:perhaps protons,
Maybe atoms?
On this subject I will continually dwell.
There are many smells I dislike:
A dirty sock
Dead fish B.O
A pig pen
And skunks smells in the night.
There are many smells that I like:
A rose
A burning pinion log
Frying chicken
An even a smelly football suit is alright.
I believe most creatures can smell,
But can:
A fish smell
A grasshopper
A cricket
Or an oyster in it's shell?
I am told that smells last longer man's recall
Baking biscuits on a wood stove,
Or bacon frying in a hunting camp,
Or the perfume of your first love
,Or the composite smells in a cold morning in the fall.
Yes, I will wonder about the smell composition:
Why do smells last so long the ground,
Even after days, still scented by a fox hound?.
Well, now I believe I'll have the answer in my next edition.(maybe)______________________________DW

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Several years ago while walking down the rode about a mile from home, I spied and ornage cone(traffic marker) lying against a fence. The road repair had be completed and the red orange cone had been left behind(I noticed the cone had been laying there for several weeks as I passed by). I wanted to get two or three cones to put in my car in case of a flat or breakdown. Every time I passed by it, the thought came to my mind: Should I get the cone or leave it there. I wrestled that thought in my mind.

The answered follows:


O, orange cone, what is your being

you from unseen present

to protect our lives

while we are driving

both coming and fleeing?

Black asphalt, yellow lines as we drive,

driving multitudes in the city:

O' orange cone keep us alive!

Upon us please have pity,

keep us safe until

for we all so ditty.

O' orange cone complete my will,

you lying there all alone,

as my dream to fulfill.

O'orange cone, I will not take,

a stealer I will not make.




1. Try everything twice. On one tombstone there is this epitaph: Tried everything twice...loved it both times!

2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down. (keep this in mind if you are one of those grouches;)

3. Keep learning: Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, health, quality, excellence..... Whatever! NEVER let the brain get idle. "An idle mind is the devil's workshop." And one devil's name is Alzheimer's!

4. Enjoy the simple things.

5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. And if you have a friend who makes you laugh, spend lots and lots of time with HIM/HER.

6. The tears happen: Grieve, endure, then move on. The only person who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. LIVE while you are alive. Watch the sunrise and sunset; go to the beach and the mountains; lie on your back and look at the moon and stars; cuddle a baby your arms, play with children..........and the child in you, let the child come-out, wonder at nature, enjoy God's incredible creation and wallow unashamedly in its mystery.

7. Surround yourself with what you love.... Whether it's family, music, colors, keepsakes.... Plants, hobbies, children, grandchildren..... Whatever. Your home is your refuge. Share it when you can

.8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help, and, don't wait.

9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county, across the country, to a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is.

10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity....your brother, your sister, your grandparents, your mom, your dad, your wife, your husband, your friends.

11. Forgive now those who made you cry. You might not get a second time to forgive. Care enough, love enough, be aware enough to send share this with someone .Why? Because like lost sleep can never be recovered, lost time can never be found! We have one life to live, one life to give, one life to be, one life to become. While we are being, we are becoming. Remember: What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God.



I'm creative and he's analytical

Have you ever thought why some people can paint beautifully, but have difficulty adding two and two? Or why some people can understand the intricacies of calculus effortlessly, but struggle to write a one-page essay? It's all about which side of your brain dominates - the left or the right.The human brain is bifurcated down the middle into two parts, popularly known as the left brain and right brain respectively. We know that different parts of the brain control different bodily and mental functions. Over the years, a theory that has gained in popularity is that the right brain and the left brain are responsible for different modes of thought and that the way in which a person thinks will depend on which side of his brain predominates.

Left brain vs. right brain

People who rely more heavily on the right half of their brain tend to be more imaginative and intuitive. They see things as a whole and are interested in patterns, shapes and sizes. The right brain is associated with artistic ability like singing, painting, writing poetry, etc. Left-brain dominated people may find their thought processes vague and difficult to follow, for they are quite opposite in the way they think. Left-brain dominated people tend to be more logical and analytical in their thinking and usually excel at mathematics and word skills. But this does not mean that a person who is left or right brain dominated does not use the other part of his brain. For most people, the two parts of the brain work in tandem to enable them to function as well-rounded personalities.The right brain absorbs new information in chunks, but it is the job of the left brain to sift and sort it in an organized fashion. However, there is no clear-cut definition of the functions of the two parts of the brain. Each can do the other's work, just not as efficiently. Most people have a tendency to lean towards using the left or right brain while thinking or learning. For instance, right brain dominated people are often poor spellers as they tend to rely more on their intuition rather than actually studying the order in which the letters in a word occur.

As for me, DW, I am, or at least I think I am, a left-brain creature. Based on 6 years on engineering school and 33 years as an engineer, however, the right brain wants to contribute too. Well, so I write simple poems and stuff.



Pain(Why I write)

Pain you know, yes?

Jerked from a warm loving womb,

First pain, yes?

How dare you do that!

Pain of the body, yes?

Pain of the mind, yes?

Pain in the soul, yes?

So you know pain,not really,

butmaybe,I do,of body, mind and soul.


Pain from the pastmillennium's ago

Held captive flesh,body and soul.

How?Soul pain, maybe from the cross.

What's a soul?You don't know?

Do you have a soul?

Don't know.

Pain percolates myflesh mind and soul.

A Horrible Symphony ofdissonant notes.

I cry.

What? You know me?

No, no you don't.

Pain shackles my being.

Sympathy do I ask for?

Hell no! Mind your own business

Pain in my genes?

Must be.

Damn my whole lineage!

Why was I born in pain?

Pain screams at me now.

What released O' Lordmust I find?

Write He says,day and night.
Spill your pain on the medium as blood splashedon the floor and wall.

Release the Demon of Pain.

Write,write,write,so I write.
So I pray



Monday, December 3, 2007

Dos CABEZAS (2 heads) is a town in southeast Arizona There 2 rather small mountains north of the town hence most believe that is how the name. Town there now, not muchDW


She was never much of a town.A town?Yes, by name only I suppose.A few shacks here are there.Anything ever happen there?Not much, I heard.No gunfights, no hangingsNo nothing.Well, …..I heard Jose died heremurdered by a jealous lover.AndJennifer trampled by a horse.They say checks with the ghosts.How many?Two I am told.Where?In the shacks

.On highway 186, south of Wilcox.So I travel south followingthe heat mirages andled by a dust devil.Two shacks standing I see.Yards populated byrusty tine cans, randomglass bits and charcoal ashes.Glancing inside weatheredwood house a brown bottlesitting on a 2x3 bracea twinkling of light off and on.I inspect.No nameletters on the glassraised, 4370.A cool wind passed by pleasant on this hot and windy day

hi, you appear to be a ghost.


i've heard of you.


What is your name?

Me llamo Jennifer

Please to meet you.

¿Dónde vivéis?

Ilive in Mesa.

Mi cumpleaños es el ocho de enero.

My birthday is February 24th

Estás en vuestra casa!

O.k. Your home is small

.No me molesta

I don’t mind either.

Tengo veintisiete años


And I am 64 years old.

Es una lástima

Why is that?


Oh, that is O.K. Jennifer.

I must go soon.

Por favor

I must go to the rock house

Buenos diás

By Jennifer.Oh, I forgot Jennifer.Is there a ghost in the rock house?

Creo que sí

Thank you

Jose are you in this rock house


I am pleased to meet you

!¡Tanto gusto!

Do you know Jennifer next door


Do you like her?


Depends on what

?Tiene más años que yo.

So she is too old for you?

Do you get lonely here?

Creo que no

Well, Jose I must go.

Hasta la vista

The wind of passing carsCreates tiny swirls of wwhirlwinds about my feet.I leave.“Mama, the sign read, DOS CABEZAS”“Is that the name of the town?”“A town where, dear”“We just passed it”“You mean those two shacks”“Yes”“No town I think”“Or maybe a ghost town”.



During my childhood and youth I lived on farms close to Liberty Hill, San Saba, Richland Springs, Lometa, Goldthwaite and Bertram, all in central Texas hill country.

I began to think of townsIn Texas rolling hills,

And stores gather all aroundAmong the cotton fields.I

remember the clanking windmillWhisper songs of the past

,And the wind listen to my songA youth in distress.

I will sing my songs to the hills

Quietly, quietly my heart to still.

I remember the sweet sunriseOver post oak trees on the hills,

Casting sunrays to baptizeNature in the early morning chill.

The leaves stay silent untilMorning breezes ripple among

Field and forest a singingTo my mind and soul.

I will sing my songs to the hills

Quietly, quietly my heart to still.

I remember the lovely streetsSoftly colored by sunrays,

And a morning is to entreatAll denizens to a delightful day.
My memories fade awayAs I slumber by the hills,Of my childhood dreamsWondering if it is today.

I will sing my songs to the hills

Quietly, quietly my heart to still

.I wonder back through the yearsT own o a house by the creek,

Where the young girls tearsCaptured my heart for her to keep.

My heart was taken by deceit

Shattered pieces fell intoCreeks, fields, and dreamsIn Texas rolling hills.

I will sing my songs to the hills

Quietly, quietly my heart to still.

Remembering my childhood dayTo the towns I use to be

;I see shadows move in In deserted building that I see.

Where did the merchants flee,The teachers, preachers, farmersAnd the children, mothers, fathersLeft a ghostly scene.

I will sing my songs to the hillsQuietly,

quietly my heart to still.

I had a dream that will not dieOf heels of golden shine,

A luminous, radiant, colored skyWith songs of crystal rhyme.

This in tempo with God's design,

That day Texas hills will sighHe is lonely so who is on his wayTo meet his Holy Friend.

I will sing my songs to the hills

Quietly, quietly my heart is still


As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a newlove for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take toomany pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute ofhappiness you'll never get back. And always remember, you are special to someone, someone cares about you more than you will ever know.So treat everyone in your life as you would like to be treated, special! Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
DW e-mail


Tonight a bit of Arizona history. I have climbed to the top of the peak (3,443)several times. To reach the top, the sides are almost shear and hand rails of necessary to reach the peak top is about 40 yards wide. Later I will explain about the hand rails. Oh, I almost forgot one of the times after reaching the top and the hard climbing and dozed off.

The prominent landmark Picacho Peak rises majestically above the Sonoran Desert floor about 35 miles northwest of Tucson just off Interstate 10
Picacho Peak was often used as a landmark by early explorers. During the 17th century, dedicated Jesuit priest Father Kino mentioned Picacho Peak in records of his journeys into Arizona, and in 1775, the DeAnza Expeditions passed by the Peak. In 1846, the Mormon Battalion, on their way to California to fight in the war with Mexico, constructed a wagon road through Picacho Pass. The forty-niners traveled the same road on their way to California, and in 1858, mail and passengers traveled this route via the Butterfield Overland Stage. This route is now used by the Transcontinental Railroad.The most significant Civil War battle in Arizona took place near Picacho Peak on April 15, 1862, when an advance detachment of Union forces from California attacked a Confederate scouting party. The battle lasted for 1-1/2 hours, and three Union soldiers were killed. Every March, "The Civil War in the Southwest" comes alive again as over two hundred re-enactors converge on Picacho Peak on foot and horseback. Visitors enjoy viewing exciting mock battles that took place in Arizona and New Mexico during the Civil War. Also on display at the March reenactment are recreated military camps and living history demonstrations.
The poppies are Mexican poppys although I cannot tell the difference from California poppys.

on Picacho peaks
viewing the orange poppys
i felt sleepy



“All of us have something in our past that we regret doing. It may have been an honest mistake, a moral failure, or a foolish decision. We wish it had not happened, but remains in our mind and often drags us down” (Our Daily Bread, May 24, 2007)Yes, I can relate the statement. “While the past remains part of our lives, it does not have to determine our future” (Our Daily Bread, May 24, 2007)

You believers remember King David and his moral failure. Commanding Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah, to come and sex him. (adultery and essentially rape). Bathsheba became pregnant and David sent to Uriah who was in battle and tries to get Uriah to return home and sleep with Bathsheba. However, Uriah, a warrior would not do so and slept at King David doorstep said he could not do such a thing while his men were in battle. David send Uriah back to battle with sealed instruction to the commander to put Uriah in front of the battle and hence Uriah was killed as King David hoped.(a murderer that King David) Yes, “a man after God’s on heart” When confronted with issue by the prophet Nathan King David said, “ I have sinned against the Lord.’(2 Samuel 12:13)H-M-M-, it appears King David was not quite perfect. Yes, he was forgiven was some consequences followed. So Jesus, the Lord, or God or whatever you call or Maker will forgive if we confess with regrets our failur


The Keeshond (IPA pronunciation:[ˈkeɪzhɑnd] or KAYZ-hond; plural: Keeshonden) is a medium-sized dog with a plush two-layer coat of silver and black fur with a 'ruff' and a curled tail, originating in Germany. Its closest relatives are the other German Spitzes such as the Pomeranian. Originally called the German Spitz, more specifically the Wolfsspitz, the name was officially changed to Keeshond in England, where it had been known as the Dutch Barge Dog, in 1926.

Keeshonden tend to be very playful, with quick reflexes and strong jumping ability. They can be stubborn, but they are quick learners and eager to p lease. Because Keeshonden are quick learners, they also learn the things you didn't necessarily wish to teach them - very quickly. However, Keeshonden make excellent agility and obedience dogs. So amenable to proper training is this bright, sturdy dog that Keeshonden have been successfully trained to serve as guide dogs for the blind; only their lack of size has prevented them from being more widely used in this role. They love children and are excellent family dogs, preferring to be close to their humans whenever possible. They generally get along with other dogs as well and will enjoy a good chase around the yard. Keeshonden are very intuitive and empathic and are often used as comfort dogs. Most notably, at least one Keeshond, Tikva, was at Ground Zero on 9/11 to help comfort the rescue workers.[1] The breed has a tendency to become especially clingy towards their owners, even in comparison to other dogs. If their owner is out, or in another room behind a closed door, they may sit, waiting for their owner to reappear, even if there are other people nearby. Many have been referred to as their "owner's shadow".




Ipraise thee dear Jesus For blessings of the past:

You were there a'listeningEvery time that I asked.

Some prayers were hurriedly,And some were ask again;

Some were ask desperatelyFor the relief of pain

Some prayers were not answered,As I look into the past;

Other payers were answered,The answer came at last

Some paths are steep and rocky,So I wonder about His plan;

Yet, with others smooth and wide;And still guided by his Hand,

Early in each morningI whisper my request;

Lord, If it's in your will,Your answer will be the best.

Now in September day's of life,Now days before the storm;

Days are fleeting momentsNo reason now to mourn.

Lord, you've met every needAbundantly and more

;Grace and provisions flowFrom heaven's open door.

Praises will I ever singAs the days go by;

Cradled in His arms of love,He hears my every cry.

So let my soul fly awayAs I look down the path,

Winging to my final home,At home, at home, at last.

Saturday, December 1, 2007


DEATHWIND(August 1944)

A sudden still thunder whispered low

notessoftly in the restless evening song

,joining ominous brilliant lighting bolts,

flashing downward with arrows short and long.

The clouds joined the chorus billowing high,

rolling across plain, mountain and dell,

filling the expanse of ruptured sky,

hasten the twirling wind into a surly gale.

The responsive rain sheeted house and barn,

out the window dazzling light illumined debris in flight

,inside curtains shivered and walls shook with alarm,

and terror filled the souls

that frightful night.So this night earthly inhabitants
shook,frighten yet, praising God no souls were took.___G.LAWS
e-mail P



Tthe other day we had quite a blow here. Wind gusts up to 50 mph.I was amusing myself (it doesn't take much) watching the leaves roll down the street like drunken marchers. Some were scooting, some were tumbling, and others stopped to rest a while. I noticed a large leaf joining the crowd which caught my attention. The leaf falls in front of me and I got up and looked at it. The large brown cottonwood leaf and how did I know it was a cottonwood. In my 48 years in Arizona deserts and mountains I've tramped all over the state I know the vegetation very well. I began to wonder about the cottonwood leaf for the closest Cottonwood trees around here is the Verde river about 30 miles away. My friend, the cottonwood leaf how did you get here? Did the wind lifted in the sky and give you a free ride and he landed in my neighborhood?After we finished our conversation, the leaf tumble down the street. I wondered what would be the demise of a leaf? A positive outcome would be for the leaf to land in the flower bed to integrate with the soil and end his life as a nourishment to flowers.Or on the dark side, to be swept up by street sweeper and end up in the city dump?Well, you've had some insight to my life, just a simple life sitting on the front porch.

the leaf tumble down

skittering about the road

pausing for a view



i see summer moon

shadows valleys far below

bathes the mountains high

HAIKU GLAWS/80e-mail

This is a beautiful Hopi girl selling jewelry at a road side stand close to Cameron, AZ(Hopi reservation, AZ/89’s)

windy rode side stand

small turquoise bracelets

a shy Hopi girl



MOON RIVERI first heard this song in 1961/62. I like the Andy William's version of it.(Lacy Springs, Alabama 1962)

moon river flows

chasing memories of youth

lying in quite repose


YUCCA(My front yard 07)

a yucca quite tall
adorned my yard this spring
amazed my friends

Thursday, September 13, 2007



The frost has slipped away

While the winds wave goodby

Then the leaves venture this green day

And the grasses eye the sky.

The Blue Stem awakes with Canadian Wild Rye

On the banks of Bear Creek with berries in bloom

Asserting the Texas loom in fields to glorify

Grape vines in the chorus with Red Buds shyly soon.

Along Lake Buchanan shores the poppies open their eyes

To see blue skies with billowing clouds over the hills

And the hills comes alive with blue Bonnets to reach the sky

While willow and elm trees bow to nature’s will.

Man rejoices with Nature for our nation

While the Master Designer smiles for His creation


Monday, September 10, 2007



Treasure in Jars of Clay

But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.2 CORNITH 4:7We have this Treasure in jars of clayLet the Light shine out of darkness...We are not crushednor perplexednor abandonnor destroyedSo we carry this Treasurein jars of clayFor what is seen is temporary..We will not lose heartnor momentary troublesnor distressnor painBut what is not seen is eternal..and eternal..Inwardly we are renewed each day shown the knowledge of theTreasure and in glory and strength__G.LAWS

God, be mercyful to me… God, be mercyful to me on Thy grace I rest my plea Plenteous in compassion Thou Blot out my transgressions now Wash me, make pure within Cleanse, oh, cleanse me from my sin My transgressions I confess Grief and guilt my soul opress I have sinned against Thy grace And provoke Thee to Thy face I confess thy judgement just Speechless, I, Thy mercy trust I am evil, born in sin Thou desirest truth within Thou alone my Saviour art Teach Thy wisdom to my heart. Make me pure, Thy grace bestow Wash me whiter than the snow Gracious God, my heart renew Make my spirit right and true Thy salvation's joy impart Steadfast make my willing heart Broken, humbled to the dust By Thy wrath and judgement just
Let my contrite heart rejoice And in gladness hear Thy voice From my sins, oh, hide thy face Blot them out in boundless grace.lYRICS BY JARS OF CLAY BANDREDEMPTION ALUBM

Friday, September 7, 2007


She lived on Kelly Avenue
I would not be late,
I arrive at quarter of six
Nervous for our first date.
She stepped out on the porch
Shadowed by the moonlight
She could have been an angel
In her dress of pink and white.
I fell in love at a picture show
At a drive-in all around,
Loving beneath a canopy of stars
Living in this Gulf coast town.
Two teenagers sitting side by side
With hearts all aglow
Our arms were embracing
While watching the picture show.
We came down the side walk
Glancing at each other
I opened the door as I should
Knowing there would never be another.
She sits beside the door of my car
As we drove to the picture show,
Our minds had visions of romance
Just waiting for the word go.
I fell in love at a picture show
At a drive-in all around
Loving beneath a canopy of stars
Living in this Gulf coast town.
Two teenagers sitting side by side
With hearts all aglow
Our arms were embracing
While watching the picture show.
I found a spot in the parking lot
And then the show started.
My mind was not on the show
While we still sat apart
I slide my arm on the seat
She slide to my side
My heart began to pound
My love would not hide.
I fell in love at a picture show
At a drive-in all around
Loving beneath a canopy of stars
Living in this Gulf coast town.
Two teenagers sitting side by side
With hearts all aglow
Our arms were embracing
While watching the picture show.
Our embraces were so sweet
Our kisses so divine
We were caught in loves grasp
Two hearts forever bind,
I fell in love at a picture show
At a place so long ago.
For after fifty years later
I still love her so.
I fell in love at a picture show
At a drive-in all around
Loving beneath a canopy of stars
Living in this Gulf coast town.
Two teenagers sitting side by side
With hearts all aglow
Our arms were embracing
While watching the picture show
Who is this girl? my wife e-mail

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Haiku (is a mode of Japanese poetry.. The traditional hokku consisted of a pattern of approximately 5, 7, 5 syllables, or on. The Japanese word on, meaning "sound", corresponds to a mora, a phonetic unit similar but not identical to the syllable of a language such as English. A haiku contains a special season word representative of the season in which the renga is set, or a reference to the natural world.Here are a few I have written-note the poem may be read in any sequence—line 1,2,3 or 3,21 or 2,1,3 and so on---all have to do with the natural world—

(Canyon Point Campground-97)

shadows on the trail

sliding down invisible

blue columns softly


(Fishing at Canyon Lake-80’s)

i see summer moon

shadows valleys far below

bathes the mountains high


(Elk hunting south of Flagstaff, AZ –88’s)

in the high mountains

snowflakes aimlessly covers

the herd quietly down


(Enchanted Desert Navaho Reservation, AZ-87)

baby on her breast

ghostly forms on hogan wall

the pinion boughs burn


Some by Elizabeth Searle Lamb Casting into a Cloud, Southwest Haikuin

the high meadow,

moonlight muffles our horses hooves,

the elk still browsing

leaving the cabin

I put the old calendar

into my backpack

behind the pueblo

the presence of Black Mesa

this windy day


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

(Superstitions Mountains-hike 80’s)

corral fence down low

calf bawling in the twilight

the west wind blows high


Mesquite Trees
I (Dog park, Mesa, AZ/07)

a dog running by
Sonora doves flitter down
in mesquite trees

Notice in haiku the first line is 5 syllaables, 2 line 7 syllables and the 3 line 5 syllables. Also the poem may be read in any order, such as line 1 and then line 3 and then line 2

Elk hunting south of Flagstaff, AZ –88’s)

in the high mountains

snowflakes aimlessly covers

the herd quietly down


Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Common Man

The term common man is used to emphasize the similarities or distinctions between a member of social, political or cultural elite, and the average citizen.
In a paraphrase, Abraham Lincoln stated he was for the common man but no one like to be called common. The epithet "Champion of the Common Man" has been applied to several men:
Carl I. Hagen
Gaius Gracchus
Tiberius Gracchus
Robin Hood
John Wilkes
Thomas Jefferson
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Andrew Jackson
Abraham Lincoln
William Jennings Bryan
Eugene Debs
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Huey Long
Clement Atlee
Hu Jintao
Dai Chung
Lin Xiaochieh

The art community within the academic walls and the in “common community” may be often characterized with the men with various beard type (glasses are necessary for sure) with unattractive women with wild unkempt hair plus boisterous egos spread among all.
One only has to spend a while on any college campus to smell the aroma of the cultural elite. My six years in engineering school the curriculum required me to take a few course of electives and I selected a course in English (not American) literature. One of main assignment was the read the required poetry and comment on the author’s meaning. Immediately my left brain began to see meanings different from the accepted interpretations. With my rebellion I feared a bad grade nevertheless I got an A. Surprise I ask the instructor about the grade and he or was it a she? Anyway the comment was a least I had read and studied the assignment in detail. I decided then (about 47 years ago) to write poems for the common man. I suspect my poems may be judged as a high school level or lower by the poet community. Anyway, I don’t give a damn you literature snobs.

The common poet for the common folks.

Friday, March 2, 2007


Sagebrush is used by Native Americans as a smudge herb (an herb burnt for the smell). It is picked along with juniper, chaparral, desert tea and other herbs. When its leaves are powdered they can be used for rashes such as diaper rash. Its decoction, which is the water that it has been boiled in, can be used on bitten and irritated skin. The sagebrush's smoke is offensive to many animals and insects and helps keep mosquitoes away. When wrapped around perishable food it will keep insects and rodents away. Some livestock and wildlife animals that eat this plant are: cattle, domestic sheep, horses, pronghorn, elk, mule deer, white-tailed deer, small mammals, small non-game birds, upland game birds, and waterfowl.

I noticed a small valley on the Kaibab Plattue(AZ) that the sagebrush looks as if a hedge trimmer that cut the tops off the the sagebrush about 3 feet even. No, just the nibbles of the mule deer in this quite lovely valley.

Kaibab National Forest, 70’s)

on the high plains
deer nibbles the sage brush
sweet aroma fell

Monday, February 26, 2007

Mobile Bay


Sitting on the corner near Mobile Bay
Is an easy way to pass the time away.

No money here, almost broke,
Just a couple coins to buy a Coke.

Sitting on the bench reading my book,
And once in a while I would take a look

Pretty girls in springtime dresses,
A cool gulf breeze to ruffle their flowing tresses.

A few would come by in short-short-shorts,
A look then would give me start.

Once in a while one would catch my eye,
And would answer with sly smile and a quick hi.

While watching the lovely parade,
I had a box seat, with no pay.

Just lazing away the springtime hours,
Surrounded by a bouquet of azalea flowers.

My interest in the book began to wane,
And what to do: no money for the train.

The setting sun was almost down,
And now it was time to leave this harbor town.

Ah: pleasant memories remain to this day,
Sitting on a corner near Mobile Bay.