SMELLSSaturday, March 31, 2007, 9:46:41 PM Dreamweaver
I have been told that the sense of smell is the strongest of our senses and last the longest. I am reminded of a corn field. The first plowing of the ground and the smell of fresh earth. The first cultivation-stalks about a foot high, the nostalgic smell of green corn. The yellow tassels sporting out yellow pollen to spread around the valley. And finally the corn picking, the rustling of the husks and the smell of yellow corn.Today was a nice days here. High about 75, clear for miles.Hey, baseball tomorrow, go Diamondbacks.
You can't see it, you can't hear it, you can't feel it,
But everywhere there are smells.
Are smells neutrons:perhaps protons,
Maybe atoms?
On this subject I will continually dwell.
There are many smells I dislike:
A dirty sock
Dead fish B.O
A pig pen
And skunks smells in the night.
There are many smells that I like:
A rose
A burning pinion log
Frying chicken
An even a smelly football suit is alright.
I believe most creatures can smell,
But can:
A fish smell
A grasshopper
A cricket
Or an oyster in it's shell?
I am told that smells last longer man's recall
Baking biscuits on a wood stove,
Or bacon frying in a hunting camp,
Or the perfume of your first love
,Or the composite smells in a cold morning in the fall.
Yes, I will wonder about the smell composition:
Why do smells last so long the ground,
Even after days, still scented by a fox hound?.
Well, now I believe I'll have the answer in my next edition.(maybe)______________________________DW